Falcotentorial meningiomas: Optimal surgical planning and intraoperative challenges – case report
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Falcotentorial meningioma, Occipital transtentorial approach, Pineal region meningioma, Third VentricleResumo
Meningiomas arising from the falcotentorial junction are rare, and selecting the optimal surgical approach is essential. We report a 41-year-old man presented with progressive left paresis in the lower limbs. A magnetic resonance image showed a solid mass inside the third ventricle in contact with the falcotentorial dural junction. The tumor was removed by the transtentorial/transfalcine occipital approach, performed with the patient in the three-quarter prone position. The tumor was devascularized from the tentorium, then debulked and finally dissected. The
affected falx and tentorium were resected, but all of the patent dural venous sinuses were preserved. The tumor was a subtotal resect. Choosing the surgical approach is essential for the safe and effective removal of an falcotentorial meningiomaand preoperative imaging analysis should identify the tumor’s anatomical relations and guide toward the least disruptive route that preserves the neurovascular structures. This article aims to report a successfully treated a falcotentorial meningioma.
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