Association of risk factors between syphilis in pregnant and congenital: retrospective observational study




Congenital Syphilis, Retrospective Observational Study, Epidemiology, Public Health


The aim of this study is to associate risk factors related to the case of syphilis in pregnant women
with the occurrence of congenital syphilis. It is a descriptive observational population-based
study of syphilis cases in pregnant and congenital women recorded from 2007 to 2017 in a
municipality in Pernambuco. The main data source was the Notifiable Diseases Information
System (Sinan), which registered 230 cases. A total of 167 cases in pregnant women with
evolution to congenital syphilis were chosen to be analyzed, with 54.5% residing in the city. An
average incidence of 15.1 cases per year was observed. The under 20 age group concentrated
62.9 cases of syphilis in pregnant women; 79.64% declare themselves to be black or brown,
45.5% had less than 8 years of education; 39.5% had more than 7 prenatal consultations
during pregnancy, with the detection of maternal syphilis in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy for
38.32%. A low percentage of partner treatment (12.0%). This was an important finding, however,
worrisome, as there was no significant difference between the variables analyzed considering
that monitoring, detection of syphilis, and concomitant treatment of partners is essential for an
indication of fragile quality prenatal care.


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Author Biographies

Santos, Sanitarista - Bacharel em Saúde Coletiva/CAV/UFPE

With a Bachelor's Degree in Public Health Management/CAV/UFPE, he is currently a Resident of the Integrated Multiprofessional Residency Program in Family Health/Recife/UFPE

Ruanna Sandrelly de Miranda Alves, Profissional do Programa de Treinamento em Epidemiologia Aplicada aos Serviços do Sistema Único de Saúde - EpiSUS Avançado

She has a bachelor's degree in nursing from the Nossa Senhora das Graças Nursing Faculty (FENSG)/University of Pernambuco (UPE) and a specialization in Public Health from the Multiprofessional Residency Program in Public Health at Fiocruz-PE. She served as Coordinator of Women's Health for the Municipality of Vitória de Santo Antão. He is currently a professional in the 16th class of the Training Program in Epidemiology Applied to the Services of the Unified Health System (EpiSUS-Advanced) of the Health Surveillance Secretariat of the Ministry of Health. He has experience in the field of Nursing, working mainly on the following topics: public health, epidemiology, leprosy, active search and prison unit.

Erlene Roberta Ribeiro dos Santos, Department of Collective Health CAV/UFPE/Vitória de Santo Antão, Pernambuco, Brazil

Graduated in Biomedicine, Social Work (Uninassau/UFPE), a specialist in preventive and social medicine, Master in Public Health from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, PhD in Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences with a concentration in neurosciences, from UFPE. She is currently an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Pernambuco. She is the leader of the Circle of Research in Technologies, Strategies and Instruments Applied to Collective Health Cpetsc and a researcher at the group Advances in Neurosurgery-Certified by CNPq. She held positions in the area of ​​state and municipal health management. Tutor in distance learning courses. She held positions in academic management as coordinator and deputy of bachelor's degrees (social work, collective health and medicine) and lato sensu post-graduation. She works in the lines of research: management, planning and auditing in health services; Health Technology Assessment (ATS); neurosciences and collective health with a focus on headaches associated with other clinical conditions such as anxiety and stress.

Antonio Flaudiano Bem Leite, Vitória de Santo Antão Health Department

Master in Science (2009-2011) and Specialist (2003-2005) in Public Health by Instituto Aggeu Magalhães/FIOCRUZ-Pernambuco/Ministry of Health. Concentration area: Epidemiology, Health Policy and Management - Population health: epidemiology, surveillance and control of acute and chronic diseases and health problems.
Graduated in Dentistry from the Federal University of Pernambuco (1997-2002).
He is currently a permanent employee (since 2008), with the position of Sanitarist (20h).
I was Assistant Professor-A/Temporary (2014-2019) of the Public Health Management Course/Academic Center of Vitória (CAV)/UFPE/Vitória de Santo Antão, teaching in the Disciplines of: Epidemiology I, II; Epidemiology in Health Management; Methodology in Research in Collective Health; Biostatistics (Nutrition); Worker's health; and Collective Health and Social Movements.
I have professional experience in health services management: Surveillance Management in Health/Health/Vitória de Santo Antão (2017-2020); Health Surveillance Directorate/Health Secretary/Ipojuca (2013-2014); Epidemiology Management/DGVS/Health/Recife, Operational Surveillance Management Epidemiology of Communicable Diseases/GEPI /DGVS/Health/Recife, Technical Advisor to the SANAR/SES/PE Program (2011), Environmental Surveillance Manager/Health/Gravatá (2011) ); Technical Advisory/São Lourenço da Mata (2009-2010); Management of Health Units at the Albert Sabin and Clementino Fraga/Recife Polyclinics (2007-2008); Technical Assistance of the Environmental Surveillance Management/SES/Pernambuco (2007-2008); Coordination of the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit/Ipojuca (2005-2007); and Technical Assistance of the Academia da Saúde/Recife Program (2005-2006).
I have specific technical-professional experiences in the field of Public Health, with an emphasis on Management, Monitoring and Evaluation of Health Services, working mainly on the following topics: Information Systems, Service-Applied Epidemiology, Planning, Management and Surveillance, Care and Integration in Health.


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How to Cite

Santos, O. L. ., Alves, R. S. de M., Santos, E. R. R. dos, & Leite, A. F. B. (2021). Association of risk factors between syphilis in pregnant and congenital: retrospective observational study. Jornal Memorial Da Medicina, 3(2), 1–5.



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